Sunday in Spring

Sunday in Spring

Today was a good day.  We went to church.  The big kids were both volunteering (yeah, they are pretty amazing!), but all I had to do was text them from bed that they should make sure to go with each other, and the case was solved.  The rest of us showed up just before...
Busy = Coconut Stories, VR, and Group Photos

Busy = Coconut Stories, VR, and Group Photos

This post is going to have to be short because I’m quite busy right now.  End of the school year is approaching and University of Idaho is one of my regular photography clients.  I have to say that I really love the work I get to do there.  Universities,...
All In A Day’s Work

All In A Day’s Work

Today was busy day.  We are starting a deck project and I was originally planning to work on that starting at 10.  However, a freelance job came in last minute yesterday and so I spent 3 hours shooting video and some photos for a client at an event this morning.  Then...
Italy: Classically and Casually Shabby

Italy: Classically and Casually Shabby

In the Spring of 2018 I was able to travel to Europe.  We did the whirlwind tour. Iceland for a couple of days, then London for a day, then Rome for a couple of days, then the Amalfi Coast for a couple of days, then a couple of days in Paris. We spent the most time in...


When I was about four of five years old I got a cowboy hat and boots, and a horse, and some pistols.  So, of course, I was a cowboy.  I rode my horse Ogie on many adventures.  My name was “Rawhide” and I was pretty much riding the trail on a daily basis. I...
Death of a Thousand Fish

Death of a Thousand Fish

In the summer of 1999 I was in Alaska.  I had a few jobs during the summer but at the end of the summer right before I went back to school I worked on a commercial fishing vessel trolling for salmon.  The boat was the Pelican out of Kent, WA.  It was a 56 foot wooden...