by PR | May 24, 2019 | Blog, Brainstorm, Marketing, Photog, Tribes
Is there any benefit to keeping a good idea to yourself anymore? One of the tropes of our internet age is the story of the first person in a particular market or industry vector who discovers that keeping the secrets isn’t going to work anymore, because of the...
by PR | May 24, 2019 | Blog, Gear, Journal, Marketing, Photog
Products vs Services– is an interesting way to divide the things we spend money on. I think that we are generally more likely to feel good about spending money on a Product. Sometimes I am genuinely happy I am spending money on a service. Even there, however,...
by PR | May 20, 2019 | Blog, Brainstorm, Marketing, Photog
The more I live the more convinced I am that you generally get what you are pointing at. Knowing what you want and where you want to go, is one of the best predictors of what you will actually achieve. So it kinda matters what you point at– what your goals are....
by PR | May 10, 2019 | Blog, Journal, Marketing, Tribes
I’m watching the Netflix documentary on Donald Trump right now. The role of Public Relations and Publicity in his whole story is very interesting. I’m interested in his story as an avatar for what social media and the availability of unlimited...
by PR | May 1, 2019 | Advocacy, Blog, God, Marketing
I recently discovered Seth Godin. He’s been an internet guru for many years, but somehow I’m just now catching up. I think I like the gist of his message, the idea that marketing is about changing the world, and that you should look for the smallest...
by PR | Apr 21, 2019 | Blog, Marketing
I recently listened to an audio book by Chris Voss. It was excellent. Chris was a negotiation specialist with the FBI for a number of years and outlines the approach of the best practices negotiation that is the current standard for the FBI. The surprising thing:...
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