Photog Class 8: Personal Vision
In this final installment of the crash course in photography I want to discuss the goal, the end game, what the point of all the efforts in photography really are. On first review, photography is more or less about making nice or beautiful pictures. But what makes...
Summer Leaves
Hot muggy weather, thunder and hail, and all the leaves-- even though it's not officially summer, I think we're pretty much there. I'm wearing shorts, and I took a short snooze earlier on our new deck stairs landing in my zero gravity chair. As I get older I like...
Today I finished the railing for our deck stairs. I had some help on the project-- make that a lot of help. But I did the final touches on the railings. It felt good to finish, and I was really enjoying the work. We still need to caulk and repaint, but the deck is...
Good Life
Today I plugged away at a variety of personal and business projects, I had a good workout, and mostly I enjoyed a spring day in paradise. I mean that sincerely. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing and making the wind chimes ring out, and the atmosphere was...
Niche Myself?
So I think that I should be finding my niche. The interesting thing about this particular task is how in the process of finding your unique corner of the universe you are routinely confronted with the need to simplify your uniqueness into a recognizable category. ...
Photog Class 7: Tools and Tasks
So now that you know the fundamentals of photography and you are able to practice this art, we come to some of the more practical matters. What common tasks must you perform and what kinds of tools are available to you today for doing them. First, you have to capture...
Witchcraft and Following God
Today I want to say a few words about witchcraft, spiritualism, and the use of hallucinogenic drugs for spiritual awakening and or recreation (their use for PTSD and other trauma treatment is not what I'm specifically addressing). Today it is more and more common for...
A Tough Day
Today was a tough day. I am not going to go into all the details, and I guess the good news is that it's not stuff that anyone is likely to ever notice on the outside-- so metaphorically it didn't leave a mark, but it was a tough day. I think I'll leave it at that....
Information/Idea Advantage
Is there any benefit to keeping a good idea to yourself anymore? One of the tropes of our internet age is the story of the first person in a particular market or industry vector who discovers that keeping the secrets isn't going to work anymore, because of the...
Products and Services
Products vs Services-- is an interesting way to divide the things we spend money on. I think that we are generally more likely to feel good about spending money on a Product. Sometimes I am genuinely happy I am spending money on a service. Even there, however, the...
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